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Orphan Train
by Christina Baker Kline

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Before reading this novel, I have never heard of "orphan trains". I loved how the author brought light to this forgotten occurrence in history while also incorporating two characters' search for family at the same time. Even though the two main characters, Vivian (an elderly woman that endured the orphan train when she was younger and was raised by several families throughout her childhood) and Molly (a foster teen who keeps moving from family to family) are a part of two completely different generations, they both shared a common struggle. The author incorporated this aspect of the novel in such a unique way. I was really disappointed when the novel ended and wish there was a sequel! It's definitely worth reading.

Just Listen
by Sarah Dessen

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After reading this novel, it showed me how much of a difference telling the truth could make. In life, you are always told to tell the truth but never realize its significance. Sarah Dessen expresses very well the struggles that many deal with in life throughout her novels. In this novel, the main character, Annabel, dealt with a tragic event. After that event, she was too scared to tell anyone what happened because the truth was too much for her to deal with. Many can relate to this feeling, including me. Though it may be scary to reveal the truth to someone, it's the only way to fix the problem in most cases. Dessen expressed this very well in this novel, and I highly recommend that you read it.

The Fault In Our Stars
by John Green

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John Green's writing style reflects his personality. It was different from other books I have read but very enjoyable. There were many happy and sad moments tied within the book (especially a few funny moments as well) that enhanced the story. At times, I would get confused when reading because some sections of the novel are written in a pretty complex way. This novel should definitely be added to your reading list!

Wait Till Helen Comes
by Mary Downing Hahn

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I thought it was a good book because I love Mary Downing Hahn’s books. One thing I would like to say is that her books usually have the same plot in it so if you don’t like reading the same plot over and over I won’t suggest hers. She write really good horror books for middle schoolers.

Forget Me Nat
by Maria Scrivan

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I recommend it

The Book Thief
by Markus Zusak

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This novel was not necessarily one of my favorites but still was a great book. When I first started the novel, I didn't really like it because I felt it was written in a "weird" way which made it confusing to understand at first. As the novel progressed, I began to understand it more and my liking of it increased. I love how the themes of "conformity" and "family" were expressed in this novel, as they both added a unique touch to the overall story. Though it is lengthy (552 pages), this novel is definitely worthwhile to read.

by Gordon Korman

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I absolutely love this book. The fact that after losing all his memory, the main character, Chase Ambrose, was able to change who he was and took this unique opportunity and created a positive outcome. Before he lost his memory, Chase was a troublemaker who bullied many of his peers at school, but after the incident when he lost his memory, he turned into a completely different person. This goes to show how anyone can turn their life around and make a positive impact in others' lives (in most cases). This book is definitely worth reading.

The Truth About Forever
by Sarah Dessen

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I would definitely say the first half of the book "dragged". Though, the second half of the book was much more enjoyable to read. It's crazy to think about how the main character, Macy, surrounded herself with people who never really cared about how SHE felt about certain things. It was always about "fitting under a given persona" (this will make more sense if you were to read the novel). Macy's journey to discovering that there's more to life than studying all day and trying to be "perfect" was told through intriguing events with other characters she met along the way. I loved the ending, as Macy definitely got what she deserved.

by Sarah Dessen

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This novel brings light to the many dangers that a relationship could bring. It's crazy to think about how dangerous toxic relationships can be. I love the author's use of perspective in this novel. It shows how different people are affected by a single person's struggle. Sarah Dessen has written many great novels, and this is another one to add to the list! Definitely worth reading.